Saturday, February 5, 2011

An Introduction and a Grace

     I often tell the stories of my endeavors at love to my mother.  I don't tell her any details surrounding my successful relationships, just the ones that fail. As I feel they are cute stories that deserve to be told.  She optimistically concedes that "I just know that someday, the right girl will come along for you, I just know it."

     "Not in this town..." is my response.
     I'd like the entries of this blog to be centered around a theme, and that theme will be my adventures in asking women out.  To tell the tales of my subtle triumphs, and many humbling defeats on the road to initiating dialogue with some of the many beautiful ladies that I encounter in my travels, is my goal and also to practice my writing habits.  I reserve the right to deviate from my theme at any time without notice, and I don't know how often I'll post. I do these with little editing, and feel free to comment.

     I try to keep my invitations fresh, and away from the proverbial 'pick-up lines' commonly found in bars or as the bud of bad jokes, which is why I think they will make good stories. You be the judge...
     I had my wisdom teeth removed yesterday, and the nurse Grace, was cute.  As soon as I realized she would be in the room during the procedure I knew I was going to initiate some sort of a request.  But how?  First I had to get her attention.

     When I told her that I opted to stay awake for the experience of having bones pulled from my skull she admitted that I was "brave."  When I told that I opted out of anesthesia to prove my braveness, she gasped.  She began to breath again when I admitted the joke.  Then she very nonchalantly, but almost lovingly  placed her hand on my shoulder in a way that only a woman can comfort and said "Don't scare me like that." 

      She and the surgeon stuck me with novocaine and let me get numb for a few minutes, adding challenge to an already nerve racking task; how to ask a girl out on a date, when you CAN'T SPEAK?  Grace returned to the room and asked "how my face felt?"

     "Um, it doesn't." was what I thought to be a very quick and witty spur-of-the moment response.

     Grace confirmed this notion by offering "That's good. I've never heard it put like that."  We were on our way. 

     The procedure was quick and the doctor was out the door even before he had his gloves off, but Grace stuck around as she had unfinished work to do... as did I.  She laid out my post-op instructions; when to rinse, when I can eat, when I can drink out of a straw, etc. Then asked if I had any questions.

     "Just one..." speaking in a completely muffled tongue due to the numbness of my entire oral region I put the words together as best I could  "When I am able to eat properly, chew foods again and what not, would you want to have a meal.. with me?"
     She smiled a gorgeous smile, and blushed a little.  "I'm actually married.  That's nice though, no one has ever asked like that.  But yeah I gotta stick to my husband."  

    I had to ask.  I've NOT asked enough girls out and regretted it enough to know that asking and getting a no is not as bad as never asking.  

 (For anyone that may be offended by my asking a married woman on a date, keep in mind that you can't wear jewelry during procedures which kept me oblivious to the fact.) 


  1. you gotta step your game up, this town has more eligible ladies these days then ever before. Your busy schedule and hours prohibit you from seeing all that's out there homey. I'm telling you spend some more time venturing out a lil more and it will happen. I got faith in you you'll find your queen. I've seen dudes let opportunities fall by the wayside when if they would've tried harder they would be in a different place, and I mean recently

  2. True...there are plenty of eligible ladies in the area and your hours were crazy...but isn't that about to change? Sometimes trying too hard is not a turn on for girls. You are a good looking fun guy so just be yourself and you will find a great girl. The stories from you trying so hard are quite amusing however. As far as how your blog is written you did a great job. You made sure there was enough detail without going overboard.
